Cause of death: Colon cancer —HoopOnPoop “How true his circle must have been to him that not even a RUMOR leaked about his illness. Nothing. I don’t remember even hearing speculation that he was sick.” —lettersfromowls

Cause of death: Suicide —SLAP_THE_GOON “I remember getting into bed at night and sobbing and telling my husband, ‘This is so stupid. I didn’t even know him.’ But of course, as my husband said, ‘Know him personally or not, he had a huge impact on you growing up.’” —takethesefriesaway Cause of death: Pancreatic cancer —tittychittybangbang I sometimes forget Alan Rickman is dead and then just get sad over it."  —birbdaughter Cause of death: Brain aneurysm —ADashoDashi “This was the beginning of ‘celebrities who are my age dying from something other than accidents, suicide, or the misuse of drugs.’ This is what getting old feels like.” —XComThrowawayAcct Cause of death: Blunt traumatic asphyxia —hockeysmyhoe “Oh yeah, that one was a shock. And it was just a horrifically sad accident. He was an amazing performer.”  —cuppajess Cause of death: Acute intoxication  —lifehasloveliness “I remember when he was first cast as the Joker — a lot of people (including me) were very skeptical. How wrong we all were. Dude gave one of the greatest performances ever, and I don’t see how anyone ever does a better Joker. An amazingly talented man.”  —swentech Cause of death: Homicide

Cause of death: Pneumonia combined with anemia —menala_ “People are talking about her in Clueless, but she also voiced LuAnn in King of the Hill and was great.”  —BeatingsGalore Cause of death: Stabbed by the barb of a stingray

—Kratsas Cause of death: Acute mixed drug intoxication —jsgzhaha “He was great and seemingly had a lot more to give. Sad stuff.”  —SolarMatter Cause of death: Liver cancer —GaryNOVA “He died two days after the release of Blackstar. It gives the album a whole new meaning.”  —Aycomi27 Cause of death: Head trauma Cause of death: Drowning —fire_fairy_ “Her son also said that she was calling out for help and that he tried to find a rope to throw her. I can’t imagine how traumatizing that must be for a young child to have witnessed.”  —gentlybeepingheart Cause of death: Aortic dissection —chickenissogood Cause of death: Suicide —BlackLetterLies “Bourdain’s death affected me more than other celebrities’. It’s like I lost a friend I shared hundreds of meals with.”  —WarmWoolenMittens Cause of death: Leukemia —Beigarth_Avenir1 “Only time I ever cried about someone I never met. I still watch at least one Norm video per day. His humor shaped me. He never went for the obvious laugh; he relished being too smart for the room, even when met with silence.” —PolemicBender

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